It Works! A New Approach to Risk and Safety. Now for Free Download!

it worksOne of the best qualities of SPoR is that it is practical, doable, positive, constructive, ethical and relational ( -centric-respectful-ethical-and-real/).

SPoR is not just a methodology but is infused with method. This is all documented in the case study book It Works! A New Approach to Risk and Safety ( Now for free download. (Simply click on ‘add to cart’, proceed to checkout at the top image of the shopping cart, fill in details, proceed to checkout, place your order and the book is yours.)

This now brings a total of 12 books offered for free download ( in SPoR. Such an offering is unprecedented in the risk and safety world.

Recently downloads just tipped over 600,000.

So, there is much interest in SPoR across the globe yet no interest in SPoR from associations, regulators, S2 Traditional safety or mainstream Traditional safety. Such is the closed nature of zero harm and systems ideology.

It Works! A New Approach to Risk and Safety is a practical case study of how an organization transformed from zero to SPoR and recent results show amazing improvements in risk and safety across the organization.

The book and its story could be told by many other small and large organizations across the globe about how SPoR and its methods humanize risk. For example, recently the world’s second largest shipping company have taken on SPoR. SPoR doesn’t just criticize what doesn’t work in Safety but poses practical workable alternatives. And, they work!

SPoR works no matter what the size of the organization, its methods are adaptable, practical, positive and transformative.

SPoR uses a visual, verbal, poetic, relational and semiotic method of engagement that moves away from the irrelevance of traditional paperwork safety and enlivens the workforce to risk. The iCue method is also a much better defense in court should anything go wrong.

SPoR is not about slogans, performance or mechanics, systems or spruiking sales. And to get started is as easy as an email or genuine inquiry (email [email protected]). We already offer two of our most popular starting study modules for free:

Free SPoR Intro

Free Due Diligence

It is also great to see SPoR taking off in Brazil and of course the book For the Love of Zero offered for free download in Portuguese (

It is also good to help others who are working on new books to come soon that tackle critical issues associated with risk and safety, long ignored by an industry that doesn’t want to learn.

So, enjoy the download and please offer feedback if you appreciate one of the many free books.

Dr Rob Long
Dr Rob Long

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Dr Rob Long

PhD., MEd., MOH., BEd., BTh., Dip T., Dip Min., Cert IV TAA, MRMIA Rob is the founder of Human Dymensions and has extensive experience, qualifications and expertise across a range of sectors including government , education, corporate, industry and community sectors over 30 years. Rob has worked at all levels of the education and training sector including serving on various post graduate executive, post graduate supervision, post graduate course design and implementation programs.